Parsha Wine Club
Each week Itzik Stern and Yechiel Chovav (Wolgel) recommend a wine to pair with the parsha. On the Parsha Wine Club Podcast we will delve deeper into the wines and give a short dvar torah on the Parsha.
Parsha Wine Club
Parsha Wine Club Vayechi 5785
This week we are pairing the Parsha with the Benattar Roussanne '23.
We discuss Roussanne in general, and in Israel in particular, as well as the various ways Israel is divided into wine regions.
We end with a dvar torah from Rav Shaul Alter, which really brings the parsha wine pairing full circle.
Shabbat Shalom & L'chaim!
The links we mentioned on the show:
IPEVO map: https://winesisrael.com/en/5571/israel-wine-map-by-ipevo/#:~:text=It%20divides%20Israel%20into%20five,these%20for%20their%20export%20labels.
Sommelier map: https://www.sommelier.co.il/israel-wine-map/
Israeli Wine Journey: https://israeladventure.wine/en/
Join the Parsha Wine Club WhatsApp group:
Follow Yechiel: https://linktr.ee/YechielDrinksWine
Follow Itzik: https://linktr.ee/Reviit_Wineclub